What an amazing first session call for the Peace Ambassador Training. James O’Dea went deep (as his always does) illuminating Integral Mapping for whole-person, whole systems transformation. James gave an overview of all four quadrants of Integral Mapping. Each quadrant is whole within itself and integral as a united whole. James offered extensive insight into each quadrant. Although individuals have expressed the complexity of the conversation, this is only the first session of the journey.
Here is a little insight into the first quadrant of Integral Mapping. Our individual internal conscious awareness and expansion is a pivotal turning point on the path of human evolution. Recognizing the impulse of transformation is essential. What is blocking the presence of peace in the moment? Let us fuel the process of transformation by seeding peace and voicing the truth from a vision of building a new culture. Let us have the courage to speak of both: the current inhumanity that leads to violent structures of the world; and generate the capacities for setting forth a new way of life for humanity.
It is essential for us to collectively come up with creative ways as family, friends, coworkers, colleagues and community for supporting each other in the conscious journey of individual and communal transformation. Healing is crucial for whole-person transformation. Transforming communities is a collective realization of individual transformations.
It is not too late to participate in the Peace Ambassador Training course. You will receive a recording of James O’Dea communicating the 4 quadrants of Integral Mapping. James offers quit a heartfelt unique perspective. Join us in the second session coming up this Wednesday, January 21 starting at 8pm. This foundational course is a catalyst in our communal experience toward building our Beloved Community.
Where and when is tonight’s meeting in Detroit?