2015 Great Lakes Bioneers Conference

GLBD2015-conference_badgeEach year, Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit (GLBD) brings together people from all areas of the sustainability movement. Whether you are a long-time activist or just curious, a weekend of learning and inspiration is expected.


The 11th annual conference will be held October 23-25, 2015 at Marygrove College here in Detroit. Following on the heels of the 26th Annual Bioneers National Conference from October 16-18 at Marin College in San Rafael, California.

its_all_connected_fullThe theme of the conference is
“It’s all connected”

Learnshops will be held Friday with a focus for young Bioneers.

The following art events are aligned with the conference.

Living Spaces
The show features the work of Aaron Jones and Nicole Davis exploring the use of alternative and environmentally friendly materials in urban design.
Lexicon of Sustainability
Beyond Words Gallery,  Nancy A. McDonough Geschke Library – held from Monday, October 12 through Friday, November 6
The Lexicon of Sustainability pop-up show demystifies today’s food making processes and its basic terms, and encourages everyone to make changes in their lives that will lead to healthier, safer and more sustainable food production now and in the future.
All Beings Confluence
A banner exhibit being held in conjunction with the GLBD conference.

This post will be updated as more details arrive. Please check the GLBD website for the most recent information.

CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

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The Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey is about lifting up the need for clean and affordable water in Michigan. The walk will begin on Friday, July 3 in Detroit where tens of thousands of citizens have had their water shut off and where the 2005 Water Affordability Plan has been passed by the Detroit City Council but never implemented. From there, the walk will continue to Highland Park where the community has been threatened with mass water shutoffs after years of administrative mismanagement. The journey will conclude on Friday, July 10 in Flint where residents with serious health problems related to unsafe water from the Flint River –  hair loss, autoimmune disorders, skin burns, and children with lead poisoning  – share their stories. Along the way, the walk will pass through cities, rural areas, lakes, rivers, and watersheds.

WaterJusticeWalkThe walk itself is simply the thread that weaves together a series of important public events to highlight the issues by hearing from people on the front lines  –  local residents personally affected by unclean and unaffordable water, concerned citizens, people committed to water justice including public health workers, attorneys, pastors, elders and youth. The key events include: the sendoff from Detroit on July 3, a cultural event and town hall meeting in Highland Park that same afternoon, a public cross-county speak out in Pontiac on Sunday, July 5, and a rally at Flint’s Town Hall on July 10. The focus is on connecting caring communities at these public events and sharing our collective concern for clean, affordable water upheld as a human right and to affirm that water is a sacred trust that should be held as a common rather than a commodity.

Governor Snyder has been invited to Flint on July 10 to hear from citizens from the cities of Detroit, Highland Park, and Flint. 

Weeks ago, members of the state legislature were invited to a public hearing on water that involved testimony from these communities.  Now, concerned citizens will return to Lansing via bus after the Flint rally to call for clean and affordable water at the state capitol.

Continue reading CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

Evolving “Our Detroit” into the Beloved Community

The conversation around “Two Detroits” and the many dichotomies being lived feeds our perception of difference and divide. Sometimes there are simply omissions and these can lead to misconceptions.


The article posted lists 5 ways to bring about an “Our Detroit” from Two Detroits​ as prevailing perception offers. Skillman Foundation CEO Tonya Allen references the work Martin Luther King Jr did with the Beloved Community. We at Cities of Peace Detroit see a requirement for the Beloved Community to be embraced here in Detroit.

Continue reading Evolving “Our Detroit” into the Beloved Community

WCCC Workshop Series – Healing, Purpose, Empowerment: Living Our Full Capacities

The first session of the Women Creating Caring Communities workshop series for 2015 will be held Saturday, April 25 from 10am-12:30pm. The location will be Church of the Messiah, 231 East Grand Blvd, Detroit (near Belle Isle).

We will learn together

  • An effective healing process for integrating our emotional and psychological wounds. This healing process offers a guided method for transforming painful, repressed, stuck energy and simultaneously expanding consciousness for living from our true nature – the Essence of our Being.
  • The Three Levels of Consciousness Integration, including many transformational tools & practices for healing and consciously evolving.
  • Mindfulness, meditation, empathy, emotional intelligence and more.

We will engage in interactive group / partner exercises offering measurable results.

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