
Summer of Peace 2015

The Shift Network is offering a free 3 month global online event, starting on June 21st and culminating with a global synchronized meditation on September 21st, WorldFlagsUnited Nations International Day of Peace.

When you sign up, you will get access to a schedule of evolutionary social change agents that illuminate best practices for citizen engagement and conscious activism to help accelerate a shift in consciousness. These conversations support the trajectory for co-creating a life and a world where the deeper principals of peace becomes the new baseline.

The Summer of Peace brings together tens of thousands of global citizens who, like you, yearn for a more peaceful way of life for all.

  • From personal to planetary some of what will be discussed is inner community and collective peace.
  • You’ll learn critical skills to address today’s critical issues.
  • There are four special summits, one of which is Global Unity. A few of the themes will be interdependence, economic justice, human rights, freedom, and health.
  • A special live broadcast will feature campaign nonviolence. Looking at deepening the movement for a culture of peace free from war, poverty, climate change and the epidemic of violence.

The Sustainability Summit being held here in Detroit takes place at the start of the 11 Days of Global Unity leading into the International Day of Peace.

Register for Summer of Peace

Click here to register

World Peace Library


A free educational resource for You: To find peace within yourself & to create peace within your family, community and world.

The World Peace Library is designed to inspire, inform and involve people by highlighting best practices from around the world. It has over 300 audio recordings with inspirational stories, skills training and powerful solutions by the world’s top peacebuilders, social change leaders, scientists, Indigenous elders and spiritual mentors.

The World Peace Library organically grew out of our experience producing online peace summits — Peace Week (2010–11), Youth Rising for Peace (2012) and Summer of Peace (2012–ongoing.) From this “bird’s eye” view, we could see there was a much bigger narrative of peace emerging than anyone had ever imagined!

This bigger story of peace gives us all hope as people are finding solutions to the most challenging problems on the planet. The new story of peace is springing forth from the hearts, minds and souls of people of all races and religions as we each help to make the world a better place, starting right where we are with the people closest to us.

It is The Shift Network’s intention to accelerate this new narrative of peace and to advance the United Nations’ efforts of promoting a culture of peace. We encourage you to share the World Peace Library far and wide. Please  “like” the World Peace Library Facebook Page and share your experience of using the Library to promote peace in your family, schools and community so we all can learn from you.

CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

Follow @PeoplesWaterDet

The Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey is about lifting up the need for clean and affordable water in Michigan. The walk will begin on Friday, July 3 in Detroit where tens of thousands of citizens have had their water shut off and where the 2005 Water Affordability Plan has been passed by the Detroit City Council but never implemented. From there, the walk will continue to Highland Park where the community has been threatened with mass water shutoffs after years of administrative mismanagement. The journey will conclude on Friday, July 10 in Flint where residents with serious health problems related to unsafe water from the Flint River –  hair loss, autoimmune disorders, skin burns, and children with lead poisoning  – share their stories. Along the way, the walk will pass through cities, rural areas, lakes, rivers, and watersheds.

WaterJusticeWalkThe walk itself is simply the thread that weaves together a series of important public events to highlight the issues by hearing from people on the front lines  –  local residents personally affected by unclean and unaffordable water, concerned citizens, people committed to water justice including public health workers, attorneys, pastors, elders and youth. The key events include: the sendoff from Detroit on July 3, a cultural event and town hall meeting in Highland Park that same afternoon, a public cross-county speak out in Pontiac on Sunday, July 5, and a rally at Flint’s Town Hall on July 10. The focus is on connecting caring communities at these public events and sharing our collective concern for clean, affordable water upheld as a human right and to affirm that water is a sacred trust that should be held as a common rather than a commodity.

Governor Snyder has been invited to Flint on July 10 to hear from citizens from the cities of Detroit, Highland Park, and Flint. 

Weeks ago, members of the state legislature were invited to a public hearing on water that involved testimony from these communities.  Now, concerned citizens will return to Lansing via bus after the Flint rally to call for clean and affordable water at the state capitol.

Continue reading CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

Last week’s profound session on Integral Mapping and more

COPD-patc2015-onlinebanner2What an amazing first session call for the Peace Ambassador Training. James O’Dea went deep (as his always does) illuminating Integral Mapping for whole-person, whole systems transformation. James gave an overview of all four quadrants of Integral Mapping. Each quadrant is whole within itself and integral as a united whole. James offered extensive insight into each quadrant. Although individuals have expressed the complexity of the conversation, this is only the first session of the journey.

Here is a little insight into the first quadrant of Integral Mapping. Our individual internal conscious awareness and expansion is a pivotal turning point on the path of human evolution. Recognizing the impulse of transformation is essential. What is blocking the presence of peace in the moment? Let us fuel the process of transformation by seeding peace and voicing the truth from a vision of building a new culture. Let us have the courage to speak of both: the current inhumanity that leads to violent structures of the world; and generate the capacities for setting forth a new way of life for humanity.

It is essential for us to collectively come up with creative ways as family, friends, coworkers, colleagues and community for supporting each other in the conscious journey of individual and communal transformation. Healing is crucial for whole-person transformation. Transforming communities is a collective realization of individual transformations.

It is not too late to participate in the Peace Ambassador Training course. You will receive a recording of James O’Dea communicating the 4 quadrants of Integral Mapping. James offers quit a heartfelt unique perspective. Join us in the second session coming up this Wednesday, January 21 starting at 8pm. This foundational course is a catalyst in our communal experience toward building our Beloved Community.

The Essentials of Peacebuilding Skills – Training begins TODAY

The first session of the Peace Ambassador Training begins today Wednesday, January 14 at 8pm eastern time. Your participation in the emergence of conscious peacebuilding skills is integral for this evolutionary shift.

When an evolutionary spark comes along that changes the situation for everyone, most people would like to be there as a new culture is dawning. The barrier commonly faced is that many of our notions of peace appear as a futuristic dream, hard to attain, full of sacrifice, and so much more. The new peace movement involves dynamic interplay between people, circumstances, and co-creating a sustainable future.

Why The Course?

Peacemaking skills are essential. We may struggle with putting peace into practice. We get caught in reactionary emotional patterns of conflict due to our complex world which has been shaped by millennia of violence impacted by physical, psychological and spiritual wounding. When we find ourselves sitting in the fires of worldly challenges we can learn to transmute polarization, animosity, and the deep suffering of the world. 
Peacemaking is one of THE most advanced skill sets we can learn in our world today. Yet most of us have not been trained in how to develop ourselves to be prepared for addressing everyday issues and challenges. We may still back away from heated situations and discussions with family, friends and co-workers. Learning peace building skills allows us to take strong principled stances while holding the capacity for dialogue that would prevent disasters from unfolding within our lives and community.
Cultivating the skills needed to truly create real peace in your life, for others and the world is something that we can learn, develop and live by.
James O’Dea who is the creator of this training has been on the front lines of violence as the directory of Amnesty International. He has traveled around the world negotiating peace in areas with the most intense social unrest, such as working in the war-torn region of Bosnia. James has run social healing dialogues globally discovering powerful practices that allow him to transform difficult (an seemingly hopeless) confrontations into harmonious agreements. As president of IONS (Institute Of Noetic Sciences) James has integrated the most advanced sciences of consciousness transformation into his work. From his life of peacebuilding he has created a program like no other — The Peace Ambassador Training.
During this training James shares along with 21 global leaders ways you can experience deep peace in your daily life, transform conflict and become part of a new kind of global peace movement that is making real change in the world.

Detroit Communal Conference Call

For those who are enrolled we will be having a follow-up conference call that engages further discussion of the course, questions and answers, and dialogue for building the beloved community.

Press Release – Communal Evolutionary Training to Transform Ourselves and Community

Press  Release
January 12, 2015


A uniquely transformative course will be starting January 14th bringing participants from many of Detroit’s communities together. We would like to have journalists and press in the course as well.

Participants in the course are working on a number of initiatives and are enrolling to increase their reach and comprehension of a greater community we share. We will all benefit greatly with correspondents taking the course, documenting their experience and how participants transform themselves and their communities. Campaigns from participants are going to address reducing violence; forming community spaces and programs; cultural development; offering large scale social innovation – such as eradicating homelessness. This course will increase our interconnectivity on a whole new scale, and increase our consciousness for how to achieve what we desire together.

One way in which a journalist participating in this overall journey could be through an “Empathy Campaign” for Detroit. A broad media empathy campaign may consist of a weekly column on what empathy is, and how to transform our thoughts and actions from separation to caring. How to listen and exist “in the shoes of another”. Sharing moving stories of empathy, such as resolving conflict through empathy and other forms of empathic actions within families, business, and community.

The course is held by teleconference weekly with world renowned consciousness leaders. Additional teleconferences will be held within the Detroit participant group to allow questions, review lessons learned, and integrate lessons in context with current events. We’ll have some face to face time as well in various places which will be vital toward deepening connections and building a new infrastructure for community transformation.

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Cities of Peace Detroit is the community partner bringing this course to Detroit. As a localized course the conditions of Detroit will be a focus. This course will create a shift by learning, listening, and taking action together.  A part of the shift will move conflict into responsible conversation and dialogue to building sustainable solutions.

We invite you to join the Peace Ambassador Training and participate on this journey with us.


Visit to learn more about the course and enroll. If you have questions you can email or call Cass Charrette at 248-980-1191.

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