Building A New Culture

Co-creating the Beloved Community through conversation and action.

Peoples Water Board

Faith Leaders and Community Standing Against Water Shut-Offs.

Sign the Declarations to stop water shut-offs and implement an income-based affordability plan.
~ Faith Leaders Declaration
~ Community Declaration 

Call Mayor Mike Duggan at 313.224.3400
and the Governor’s office at 517.335.7858
to implement the following water reforms.

  1. Stop the Water Shut-Offs.
  2. Reinstate water to those who have had their water shut off.
  3. Implement statewide income based water affordability plans.
  4. Secure state and federal funding for water infrastructure.
  5. Create preventative measures to protect people from failed
    water policies.
  6. Provide treatments for victims of contaminated water or lack
    of access to water.
  7. Ensure that water remain a public trust rather than a privatized

Healing Racism

Join us in community conversations. A deeper look at: our history; how racism is part of our everyday culture and how participating in today’s culture is engaging in racism because our societal norms are founded on selective privilege; and how we can address racism in our everyday activities, taking responsibility to create an equitable culture.

Democracy Circles

We are creating local Democracy Circles in communities and cities within Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties to envision and live Beloved Community Values.

Democracy Circles is committed to building a new culture ~ economically, socially, spiritually and politically ~ where all human beings are valued equally.

Join us!

For more information contact:

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