Tag Archives: event

7th Annual WCCC Conference

Please join Women Creating Caring Communities All Over The World on March 11, 2017 from 9am-4pm for our 7th Annual International Women’s Day gathering!

This year’s theme is:

The Healing Power of Loving Communities!

Let’s come together and vision forward and build towards the world we want to live in.

*FREE EVENT* – invite your friends and family.

Panel discussions, solution building workshops and so much more!

Continental Breakfast & Registration: 9-10am
Lunch provided

Location: 200 S Walker St, Detroit MI 48207


6th Annual WCCC Conference

WCCC-2016-announcementPlease join Women Creating Caring Communities All Over The World on March 5, 2016 from 9am-4pm for our 6th Annual International Women’s Day gathering!

This year’s theme is:

Women Creating a World Without Walls:
Real Problems, Real Solutions!

Let’s come together and vision forward and build towards the world we want to live in.

*FREE EVENT* – Find the event on Facebook, RSVP and invite your friends and family.

Panel discussions, solution building workshops and so much more!

Continental Breakfast & Registration: 9-10am
Lunch provided

Location: 200 S Walker St, Detroit MI 48207


Great Lakes Bioneers Conference

2015_brochure-350Bioneers (biological pioneers) is an annual conference, a movement and a way of life! National BIONEERS is in its 26th years and Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit (GLBD) in its 11thyear! The conference is taking place at Marygrove College, 8425 West McNichols Rd, Detroit MI 48221. Click here to see the conference program (PDF).

BIONEERS’ tagline, revolution from the heart of Nature, and GLBD’s mission to promote sustainable community that fosters life-giving relationships, nurtures connections, and celebrates solutions for restoring and healing Earth’s communities inspire us to continue to claim that the social justice movement and the environmental movement are ONE MOVEMENT.


Event Registration

Youth Day – Friday, October 23

From 8:00am to 2:25pm youth grades 7 through 12 have a program as part of the GLBD Conference. Students, chaperones, and teachers please click the Youth Day Registration found below.


Youth Day Registration

We Are One

The theme for this year’s conference: We are One – Opened to Spirit, Hearts Engaged, Grounded in Earth and Acting for LifeOur intention is to provide a community learning environment that invites:

  • Moving from head to heart, from knowing to feeling, loving and compassion
  • Deepening our interconnectedness with all life
  • Awakening to who we are as humans in this 21st century

As in years past conference participants will have many opportunities:

When people come together as a learning community to discover new sustainable ways of being and when they share transformative ideas for the sake of the Commons everyone benefits. When students and teachers attending the conference bring back what they learned to their schools, education can flourish. When everyone is welcome and affirmed we move toward wholeness.

Cities Of Peace Detroit – Learnshops

Cities of Peace Detroit learnshops at Great Lakes Bioneers Conference 2015
Cities of Peace Detroit learnshops at Great Lakes Bioneers Conference 2015

B.1 Experiencing Group Coherence/Your Role in Building the Beloved Community in Detroit

Saturday from 2:10-3:20

Presenters: Cass Charrette is founder of Cities of Peace Detroit and a minister of the Beloved Community…The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. She sees the Beloved Community in Detroit as a model for building the new culture/new earth in communities around the world. Stephen Boyle is a community activist, photographer, designer, web and social media developer. Additional presenters may be added.

If you have ever asked yourself how you can connect and contribute beyond the conference, this learnshop is for you. It will take a shift from the head to the heart, though, and a deepening experience of group coherence. Through various activities the learnshop will lead you to a deeper consciousness of your passion, purpose and interconnectedness.

C.1 Returning to Sacred Wholeness

Sunday from 10:25-11:35am

Presenters: Cass Charrette is founder of Cities of Peace Detroit and a minister of the Beloved Community…The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. She sees the Beloved Community in Detroit as a model for building the new culture/new earth in communities around the world. Carrie Landrum is a peacebuilder dedicated to growth and transformation. She is a professional facilitator and educator at the University of Michigan. Her dream is to co-create Detroit as a global center of peace and healing.

An essential step for bringing forth a sustainable world is a commitment toward personal and collective healing. Explore the Four Quadrants of Wounding/Healing Mapping: personal, collective cultural, traumatic events, and wounds in the psyche. How will you choose to be an interrupter of these patterns within these four quadrants?

Sustainability Summit United Nations International Day of Peace

Emerging the Beloved Community of Detroit

Modeling the United Nations celebration of International Day of Peace, including a consciousness raising march and a three day summit. The UN celebration recognizes peace is integral for raising consciousness of human rights and social justice in communities and around the world. The issues of Detroit are globally recognized human rights issues. Detroit holds the potential to dialogue, envision and be a voice/platform for all of the world to hear – a fulcrum for a shift of paradigm. The Sustainability Summit aims to cocreate through vision, conscious dialogue and solutionary actions that alters our paradigm from surviving to prosperous collective interdependent sustainability.


When and Where

The summit location is Marygrove College, 8425 McNichols, Detroit MI 48221, on the SE corner at Wyoming. The event will be held September 10 – 12, the weekend prior to International Day of Peace celebrated globally on September 21stContinue reading Sustainability Summit United Nations International Day of Peace

Presentations for Sustainability Summit

Update: Proposals for Presenting are no longer being accepted.

The Planning Council for the Sustainability Summit is seeking Presentation Proposals from the community. There are three groups of presentations being sought fitting the flow of the Summit.

Sustainability Summit Wordle2

Fill out the Presentation Proposal Form to join those interested in presenting.

Vision for Living the Beloved Community

Multi-media presentations: Opening Ceremony ~ depicting current social construct vs living the new earth. Indigenous Universal laws. Universal Declaration of human rights. Morning media presentation integrated with speakers, poets, visual arts ~ Showcasing evolutionary models in Detroit, those who hold visions for models to be implemented and giving voice to models around the world that could be implemented in Detroit.

Bridging the Gap between Current Culture and a New Collaborative Culture

Community Open Forum Dialogue for sharing and writing a document that voices the values and beliefs of the current culture vs. the Beloved Community. Speakers/Poets and community voicing both. Peter Hammer speaking on beliefs and conditioning. The impact beliefs and conditioning have on our lives, our relationships, our systems and how they keep us in a culture of separation. Part One of Public call with Peter Hammer and David Korten for building the new Earth. Continue reading Presentations for Sustainability Summit

Save The Date


Community Gathering

Acknowledging Committee & Contributors:
Barbara Beesley, Kim Bergier, Stephen Boyle, Brenda Bryant, Lila Cabbil, Linda Campbell, Paula Cathcart,
Cass Charrette, Will Copeland, Jesse Cox, Susan deCaussin, Margaret Dwyer, Alicia Renee Farris,
Richard Feldman, Peter Hammer, Darryl Eley Jordan, Joe Kochajda, Gloria Lowe, Gloria Rivera, Helen Weber,
Mike Whitty, Gwendolyn Winston, and expanding.
Full list will be posted on website.

The Sustainability Summit is coming up within a month. Join our email news list to keep up to date with upcoming events.

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WCCC Monthly Forum of Workshops

Have you ever wondered how to gain perspective on the world and discover yourself and community more fully? Cities of Peace Detroit is working with Women Creating Caring Communities on a consciousness and healing journey .

Our events will be centered in healing, purpose and transformation. We will come together in a caring nurturing environment to support, inspire and empower each other for living our full potential.

Our dreams are meant to be spoken and manifested. The dreams you desire to live are what your Soul is communicating to you. Your Soul longs for your desired dreams to be realized. This is a space for our dreams to be expressed and supported.

Continue reading WCCC Monthly Forum of Workshops

CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey

Follow @PeoplesWaterDet

The Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey is about lifting up the need for clean and affordable water in Michigan. The walk will begin on Friday, July 3 in Detroit where tens of thousands of citizens have had their water shut off and where the 2005 Water Affordability Plan has been passed by the Detroit City Council but never implemented. From there, the walk will continue to Highland Park where the community has been threatened with mass water shutoffs after years of administrative mismanagement. The journey will conclude on Friday, July 10 in Flint where residents with serious health problems related to unsafe water from the Flint River –  hair loss, autoimmune disorders, skin burns, and children with lead poisoning  – share their stories. Along the way, the walk will pass through cities, rural areas, lakes, rivers, and watersheds.

WaterJusticeWalkThe walk itself is simply the thread that weaves together a series of important public events to highlight the issues by hearing from people on the front lines  –  local residents personally affected by unclean and unaffordable water, concerned citizens, people committed to water justice including public health workers, attorneys, pastors, elders and youth. The key events include: the sendoff from Detroit on July 3, a cultural event and town hall meeting in Highland Park that same afternoon, a public cross-county speak out in Pontiac on Sunday, July 5, and a rally at Flint’s Town Hall on July 10. The focus is on connecting caring communities at these public events and sharing our collective concern for clean, affordable water upheld as a human right and to affirm that water is a sacred trust that should be held as a common rather than a commodity.

Governor Snyder has been invited to Flint on July 10 to hear from citizens from the cities of Detroit, Highland Park, and Flint. 

Weeks ago, members of the state legislature were invited to a public hearing on water that involved testimony from these communities.  Now, concerned citizens will return to Lansing via bus after the Flint rally to call for clean and affordable water at the state capitol.

Continue reading CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER FOR ALL: Detroit to Flint Water Justice Journey