Tag Archives: healing

Healing Racism

Join us in community conversations. A deeper look at: our history; how racism is part of our everyday culture and how participating in today’s culture is engaging in racism because our societal norms are founded on selective privilege; and how we can address racism in our everyday activities, taking responsibility to create an equitable culture.

Presentations for Sustainability Summit

Update: Proposals for Presenting are no longer being accepted.

The Planning Council for the Sustainability Summit is seeking Presentation Proposals from the community. There are three groups of presentations being sought fitting the flow of the Summit.

Sustainability Summit Wordle2

Fill out the Presentation Proposal Form to join those interested in presenting.

Vision for Living the Beloved Community

Multi-media presentations: Opening Ceremony ~ depicting current social construct vs living the new earth. Indigenous Universal laws. Universal Declaration of human rights. Morning media presentation integrated with speakers, poets, visual arts ~ Showcasing evolutionary models in Detroit, those who hold visions for models to be implemented and giving voice to models around the world that could be implemented in Detroit.

Bridging the Gap between Current Culture and a New Collaborative Culture

Community Open Forum Dialogue for sharing and writing a document that voices the values and beliefs of the current culture vs. the Beloved Community. Speakers/Poets and community voicing both. Peter Hammer speaking on beliefs and conditioning. The impact beliefs and conditioning have on our lives, our relationships, our systems and how they keep us in a culture of separation. Part One of Public call with Peter Hammer and David Korten for building the new Earth. Continue reading Presentations for Sustainability Summit

WCCC Monthly Forum of Workshops

Have you ever wondered how to gain perspective on the world and discover yourself and community more fully? Cities of Peace Detroit is working with Women Creating Caring Communities on a consciousness and healing journey .

Our events will be centered in healing, purpose and transformation. We will come together in a caring nurturing environment to support, inspire and empower each other for living our full potential.

Our dreams are meant to be spoken and manifested. The dreams you desire to live are what your Soul is communicating to you. Your Soul longs for your desired dreams to be realized. This is a space for our dreams to be expressed and supported.

Continue reading WCCC Monthly Forum of Workshops

Evolving “Our Detroit” into the Beloved Community

The conversation around “Two Detroits” and the many dichotomies being lived feeds our perception of difference and divide. Sometimes there are simply omissions and these can lead to misconceptions.


The article posted lists 5 ways to bring about an “Our Detroit” from Two Detroits​ as prevailing perception offers. Skillman Foundation CEO Tonya Allen references the work Martin Luther King Jr did with the Beloved Community. We at Cities of Peace Detroit see a requirement for the Beloved Community to be embraced here in Detroit.

Continue reading Evolving “Our Detroit” into the Beloved Community